Each year, FCHS Foundation must raise hundreds of thousands of dollars to support the highest priority equipment needs for Four Counties Health Services Hospital. With the rapid advancement of technology, equipment needs rise. Four Counties is an important rural hospital that acts as a Health Village by assisting area residents with acute, chronic, and preventative health needs. The Split the Pot lottery funds will help assure that it can remain a life-saving community asset.
For 2024, funds from Split the Pot lottery are being directed to a portable ultrasound for FCHS hospital’s Emergency Department. The Sonosite PX point-of-care ultrasound offers 24/7 diagnostic imaging for bedside emergency care.
Budgeted cost for this life-saving equipment is $55,000. A Dinner Theatre Fundraiser is also being held this fall toward the purchase of the ED ultrasound. Find more information about this event by clicking here.